I'm Joey Atkins, and unlike career politicians who parachute in every few years just for events and photo-ops, I live, work and play right here in Florida's 26th District, day in and day out. These are my neighborhoods, my friends, my community.

You can find me grabbing coffee from the local barista, walking the aisles of our grocery stores, or playing soccer at our local fields. You have likely seen me strolling our main streets, stopping to chat with small business owners about the challenges they face.

The truth is, when is the last time you saw our current representative, Mario Diaz-Balart, actively walking the sidewalks, shaking hands and taking the time to genuinely listen to constituents? Too often he's been missing in action, out of touch with the real issues impacting our family, friends and neighbors in the 26th.

That's simply unacceptable to me. As your Congressman, my top priority will always be rolling up my sleeves and working side-by-side with you to make tangible improvements in our district. Not just cutting ribbons, but standing shoulder to shoulder with our community as we face daily struggles including housing affordability, commuting on our dated public transportation or fighting for quality education and healthcare.

Your Neighbor

I'm proud to call Florida’s 26th District my home, and I would be honored to fight for real solutions in Washington. You deserve a representative who is visible, accessible and 100% invested in using every resource to uplift our community - not someone who you’ll only see during elections.


Joey Atkins' path was shaped early on by the vibrant communities and athletic fields of West Palm Beach, where he was raised. From excelling as a high school football player to earning a political science degree cum laude from nearby Florida Atlantic University, Joey's roots run deep in the neighborhoods and ideals of Florida's 26th District.

His dedication to public service took flight as Joey immersed himself in the arenas of law, sports management and international policy. After obtaining his Juris Doctorate, he spent years as a tenacious advocate - protecting families through family law cases and defending the rights of corporations. Joey's legal career sharpened his ability to tackle complex civil and financial matters head-on.

But his passion extended beyond the courtroom. As a sports agent, Joey got a front-row seat to the life-changing impacts of leadership and teamwork in athletics. He witnessed how an inclusive environment cultivates excellence and empowers individuals to achieve their full potential.

For over six years, Joey has called Florida's 26th his home. Now, he's committed to being a vocal champion for its citizens in the halls of Congress. "It's time to end over two decades of self-serving representation," Joey declared upon earning the Democratic nomination. "I believe in a future where everyone has access to quality education, healthcare and economic opportunities."

A future where all residents can thrive - that's Joey's vision. He's prepared to roll up his sleeves and work tirelessly, reaching across the aisle, to make it a reality for Florida's 26th. As he shared, "I'm not here to sit on the sidelines. I'm running for Congress to fight for the people and deliver real results."

With his legal acumen, international perspective and deep local roots, Joey Atkins is ready to take on the challenges facing the district. From recovering property losses to modernizing infrastructure - he has the skills and determination to protect this community he loves. After years of athletic discipline, studying the playbooks of policy and advocating for others, Joey Atkins is the man to score real wins for Florida's 26th District.

The 26th District has been overlooked for far too long. It's time to elect one of our own - a civic leader who will tirelessly fight for you and never forget that this is our home.

I humbly ask for your vote to bring that fierce, homegrown representation to Congress.


Making Florida's 26th District An Affordable Place For All

The soaring cost of living in Florida's 26th District has reached crisis levels, pricing too many hard-working families out of being able to call our vibrant communities home. As your representative, enacting policies to increase housing affordability options and lower the overall burden of basic living expenses will be one of my top priorities. I am by no means exempt from the challenges caused by the rising cost of living, as my rent is also increasing this year.

We need a multi-pronged approach to tackle the 26th District's affordability challenge head-on:

Housing Accessibility

Cost of Living Relief

By taking bold steps, we can ensure the 26th District remains a place where teachers, first responders, service workers, and all who make our communities thrive can afford to live. Inaction will further deepen the affordability crisis. I'm committed to bringing together community groups, industry leaders and local officials to develop smart, sustainable solutions. Whether you're a lifelong resident or a newcomer helping drive our economy, every family deserves access to the affordable 26th District we all deserve.

Bringing Our Tax Dollars Home to Revive the 26th District 

For over 20 years, the needs of Florida's 26th District have been neglected and overlooked by Congress. Our roads are crumbling, neighborhoods lack amenities, and critical infrastructure is failing - all while our federal tax dollars get siphoned away instead of being reinvested right here at home. This cycle of disinvestment ends now. 

As your Representative, I will relentlessly fight to secure our fair share of federal funding to address the long-overdue projects that have been kicked down the road for decades. We've paid our dues, and it's time to bring those dollars back to the 26th to spark a revival.

My top priorities will include:

Transportation Revitalization

Neighborhood Reinvestment

By leveraging federal grants, forging public-private partnerships, and cutting bureaucratic inefficiencies, we can maximize the 26th's share of tax dollars. For too long, our tax money has been drained away with little to show for it locally. It's time to put those funds to work rebuilding, reviving and reinventing our district from the ground up. 

The 26th has been left behind for far too long, but through determined leadership and tenacious advocacy, we can finally bring those long-overdue investments home to uplift every community. You deserve representatives who will fight tooth and nail to deliver real results, not just empty words.

I'm ready to get to work.